Purim at Masbia
Light up Shabbat across New York with your kindness. Join in supporting Masbia's Shabbos meal service at multiple locations, bringing community and comfort to those in need during Shabbat. Every donation helps spread warmth and togetherness.
Sponsor Food for the High Holidays.
Learn about the High Holidays
total high holidays goal
of 4500 meals & 10,000 packages
4492 meals & 9,896 packages still needed
$955,079 still needed
Donate for high holidaysCustomize Your Sponsorship
Allocate your sponsorship by selecting the location, meal, or package you wish to donate.
pantry packages
FOR 4 packages
9,994 PACKAGES still needed
Your contribution will be matched at a rate of 1 for 2. For every $2 we raise, a generous donor will add $1, helping us reach our $720,000 goal. This will enable us to distribute 10,000 High Holiday packages at $72 each.
of 136 meals
764 meals still needed
שֵׁיִרְבּוּ זָכִיּוֹתֵינוּ
חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת יְקַדְּמוּ פָנֶיךָ (תהלים פט טו)
וְשִׁלְחוּ מָנוֹת לְאֵין נָכוֹן לוֹ (נחמי-ה ח, י)
of 0 meals
150 meals still needed
of 0 meals
450 meals still needed
שלחנו כפרה
סעודת המפסקת
הֲלוֹא פָרֹס לָרָעֵב לַחְמֶךָ
of 0 meals
2,100 meals still needed
אַַבְְרָָהָָם רְְחִִימָָא
אַַבְְרָָהָָם רְְחִִימָָא
יִִצְְחָָק עֲֲקִִידְְתָָא
יִִצְְחָָק עֲֲקִִידְְתָָא
יַַעֲֲקׂבׂ שלִִמְְתָָא
יַַעֲֲקׂבׂ שלִִמְְתָָא
מּשֶׁה רָעָיָא מְהֵימְנָא
מּשֶׁה רָעָיָא מְהֵימְנָא
אַַהֲֲרׂׂן כַַהֲֲנָָא קַַדִִיׁׁשָָא
אַַהֲֲרׂׂן כַַהֲֲנָָא קַַדִִיׁׁשָָא
יוֹסֵף צַדִּיקָא
יוֹסֵף צַדִּיקָא
דָָוִִד מַַלְְכָָא מְְשִִיחָָא
דָָוִִד מַַלְְכָָא מְְשִִיחָָא
of 5 meals
895 meals still needed
*Any donations not applied to a meal will be allocated to the Packages Campaign.
About the High Holidays
Please help Masbia ensure that no one goes hungry this High Holiday season. Choose the part you wish to sponsor by clicking on the options below. You can choose between packages and cooked meals. You can also choose the holiday meal you would like to sponsor and the location. $946,800 is a carefully calculated cost split between 84 cooked holiday meals out of our soup kitchens and 10,000 emergency food packages for families in need.