Gracie Shuman’s Bat Mitzvah Canned Fish Drive to Feed the Needy at Masbia
Masbia is a kosher soup kitchen network and food pantry, providing hot, nutritious meals every day for hundreds of New Yorkers in desperate need of food. Alongside hot-meal programs, they also give out bags of much-needed groceries every week to those with not enough at home, through a weekend take-home package program.
I chose to support this network because I think that they’re a strong organization doing important work in my community. In addition to volunteering at Masbia, I’m organizing a single item food drive as part of my Bat Mitzvah. If you’re attending the event in person, you’re invited to bring a standard size can of tuna, or salmon, or sardines to the evening celebration at the Park Slope Library to help provide shelf-stable protein for clients at Masbia’s free food pantry .
All donated food must be certified kosher, which most brands of canned fish are. Thank you for your support.