Masbia in the Boro Park 24: Masbia Offering Free Groceries for All Corona Widows

Masbia in the Boro Park 24: Masbia Offering Free Groceries for All Corona Widows

Posted on: April 21, 2020

Read the article below, published in the Boro Park 24, about Masbia offering free groceries to women widowed due to the coronavirus,  until the upcoming Rosh Hashanah. Alexander Rapaport and Mordy Getz have partnered to make it possible.

Boro Park – The Masbia soup kitchen is offering any woman from Boro Park widowed due to the coronavirus free groceries until the upcoming Rosh Hashanah.

Sender Rapaport, the executive director of Masbia, announced the program on Tuesday. It is sponsored by Mordy Getz, the owner of the New Eichlers on 13th Avenue.

The program is promising a free account in any grocery for women whose husbands passed away since Purim. The widow should call 252-751-1230 and leave a message

Read the original article HERE.