NY1 Reports Masbia Seeking Help to Feed Needy Families for Passover through the #CharosetDrive MasbiaSoupKitchens
Posted on: April 21, 2016www.masbia.org/charoset
On the Seder Plate, the charoset is used to sweeten the bitter herb. With your help, Masbia will try to sweeten the holiday for so many needy men, women, and children. Charoset is not only a metaphor here. The emergency food package will include ingredients to make charoset in addition to many other essential foods.
Masbia needs your help to distribute $450,000 worth of Kosher for Passover food with a goal to feed 15,000 people, equivalent to 3,000 families. Each family package will include groceries for 90 meals, 18 meals per person, valued at $30, 5 people per family totaling $150. (Our all year round grocery bags contain 9 meals per person based on the My Plate system but, our Passover bags contain double that)
Masbia’s purchasing power will leverage your dollar which means that every dollar donated will be doubled. Our fundraising goal is to reach $225,000 which translates to $450,000 worth of food.