Orly Horowitz Bat Mitzvah Bake Sale to Feed The Needy at Masbia Soup Kitchen Network

Orly Horowitz Bat Mitzvah Bake Sale to Feed The Needy at Masbia Soup Kitchen Network

My name is Orly Horowitz and as a chesed project for my Bat Mitzvah, I am raising money for Masbia soup kitchen. I chose Masbia because they are known for their restaurant-style hot daily dinner, which includes a starter salad, beverage, soup, a protein (like chicken or fish), two hot side dishes, and dessert. Masbia places great emphasis on serving its clients with dignity and respect. Their hot dinner service helps the old and frail, the homeless, and people in a crisis situation who can’t cook for themselves. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Masbia has received a 500% increase in requests for food assistance.

I hope to raise enough money to cover the cost of 100 meals at Masbia. Each meal costs $10, so I need to raise $1000 to pay for all the meals. Please help me reach my goal for this great mitzvah by buying my home-baked cookies. I am selling one dozen cookies for $15. Each dollar raised will go directly to Masbia.

Thank you,
Orly Horowitz

$1,008 of $1,000 raised
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Donation Total: $25.00 One Time